24 Sep Think You’re NOT ‘hoarding’ products? Ladies, You Might Want to Think Again.
As an organizer I pride myself on not having a lot of ‘stuff’ lying around. In fact, one of my favorite things to do is evaluate my belongings every few months and throw out or donate what I no longer love, need or use. To me, it’s one of the most freeing feelings in the world.
But one area I noticed where I might have ‘too much’ is in the bathroom. As women, we are bombarded with advertisements for beauty products we need on a daily basis. From the right shampoo and conditioner, to the right facial wash, body wash, body scrub, perfume, volumizing spray, hairspray, dry shampoo, deodorant, makeup, nail polish… you name it.
Go ahead, look in your bathroom. Check your countertops, drawers and cabinets, and especially your shower. How many of you – like me – are guilty of too many products here? And why? Do we really need them all?
I’m trying to use only natural, organic products as a part of my mission to lessen my daily exposure to unnecessary chemicals. Therefore, I’ve ditched most of the ‘store bought’ products and have found more natural ones. Since these cost a bit more, I only buy what I need and use it sparingly. I donated the rest of my products to a woman’s shelter, rather than just throwing them out.
While I like to switch up my shampoo every few washes (to wash away any build-up), I certainly don’t need any more than 2-3 shampoos at any given time in the shower. And I really only need one body wash, one facial scrub, one can of shaving gel and a razor. Less is more, even in the shower. Sometimes having less to choose from is actually a blessing. These days, when I go into a store, sometimes I’m overwhelmed with the choices! Do you ever feel that way? Another moral to this story is: just because you have the space, doesn’t mean you have to fill it!
Often times I think it would be easier to be a guy in this situation, but advertisers are now going after them as well. Most men get away with a bar of soap and a multipurpose shampoo/conditioner/body wash-in-one. If only it were so easy for us women! Well, maybe it can be.
I urge you to purge excess products in your bathroom. If you’re looking to save money, check out ideas on Pinterest for all-natural ‘at home’ recipes for your beauty needs. Pair down in the beauty department and see if you still don’t feel as beautiful – or even more so!
Posted at 19:59h, 30 JulyThis resonates with me more than you can imagine! I find nothing more therapeutic than cleaning out my kitchen, wardrobe, bathroom, university folders, even computer files… if there’s anything in my life than can be organised, I have organised it. I looove the feeling of looking at something after a good thorough clean out and knowing that there’s no unnecessary junk in there and it’s 100% useful, needed items. In saying that, I’m off to re-evaluate my bathroom!
Posted at 18:00h, 13 OctoberThat’s awesome Suzy! Keep up the excellent work. You never know who you will inspire to make a huge change in their lives. 🙂