31 May Welcome to Let Me Organize It!

It is my hope that this money tree brings luck to my clients and me alike. For what good is fortune if you cannot share it with others?
I’m so excited to be sharing the start of my business with you through my inaugural blog post! I hope to change a lot of lives through my little startup, and would be honored if one of them turns out to be yours.
I’ve been very blessed in my life, with lots of support and encouragement from friends and family. But that doesn’t mean I haven’t had my times of doubt. In fact that might be my biggest fault, my willingness to let fear stop me in my tracks. I didn’t fully understand this about myself until a life coach sitting next to me on an airplane pointed it out.
He told me that I had to stop letting fear rule my life. Ever since, I have tried very hard to remember this and follow his advice, but of course we’re all a work in progress. A few years ago, when I first started doing professional organizing, I thought this would be a great career, but the idea of running my own business was terrifying. After nearly 10 years in the fine arts industry and a year at a software startup, I was used to working for other people, and liked the stability that came with it: a bi-weekly paycheck; paid vacation; a benefits package. But I didn’t feel challenged, or ultimately fulfilled in those jobs.
Earlier this year, I came across a quote by Bill Cosby that helped me to refocus on what I want, and remind me not to let fear stop me from getting it. It says, “Decide you want it more than you are afraid of it.” And I did just that. I reached out to women I knew with successful businesses they had started on their own, and asked their advice. After those conversations, I felt empowered and realized I had been worrying for far too long.
Starting a business from scratch is time consuming and a bit chaotic at first, but it’s already been very rewarding! You can compare my story of being fearful to start a business to someone being fearful to start an organization project: it’s overwhelming and you don’t know where to start, but you know something needs to change. You reach out to someone who understands, and can help you figure out a strategy for achieving your goals. Then the fear diminishes, and you’re already on the road to success.
Organization does not have to be stressful. I will work with you to make your space work more efficiently for your life, but still feel very much like ‘your’ space. I love the sense of accomplishment upon completing an organization project, and I cannot wait to share that feeling with you! Thanks for taking the time to visit my blog. I look forward to making this journey together towards a better, more organized life.
Margo Kinney
Posted at 19:43h, 10 JuneLauren,
Congratulations and good luck in starting your very own business. I have looked over everything and am impressed with your resourcefulness. I enjoyed reading your welcome post above. I’ve often let fear hold me back, and I’m glad to see that you have handled it in such a rewarding way.
I am typing this in a spare bedroom that is cluttered with boxes of photos, books, scrapbooking materials………..It’s overwhelming and you don’t know where to start, but you know something needs to change (this could have been written by me). Every time I walk past this room, I tell myself that I will deal with it tomorrow. Too bad we aren’t neighbors;)
All the best to you (and Abby, too),
Posted at 22:27h, 11 JuneMargo,
Thank you for your kind words! Fear not, I’m thinking of adding Skype or FaceTime consultations (for a small fee) to my services package so I can assist people who are not in my area. This way, I can see the space (via video or photos) and offer advice on where to begin and answer any questions you might have about getting the project done. While I might not be there in person to physically help, I can consult with and advise you through the project. Is this something you would consider and be interested in? Please let me know.