16 Jul That Makes Me h-APP-y! Mobile Banking Apps
The “That Makes Me h-APP-y!” blog series continues with the benefits of mobile banking apps.
It has recently come to my attention that there are people out there who don’t yet know the joys of mobile banking. I was one of these people just a few years ago, and I’m not sure how I survived. If you aren’t already using your bank’s mobile application, stop reading this blog and download it right now! But don’t forget to come back …
My personal bank is USAA which is based in Austin, Texas. People think I’m crazy for having a bank in a completely different state from where I live, but the benefits I receive through the bank, credit cards and insurance make it worth it. I’ve been a USAA member for 15 years, and when I signed up, I had to send in my deposits via postal mail. The bank provided pre-paid first class envelopes, and my deposits were usually noted to my account within 3 days. Thanks to direct deposit, I rarely had to use these envelopes.
About three years ago, USAA announced that checks could be deposited at select UPS stores, so I began using that route when necessary. A year later, they finally allowed deposits via their mobile application. I can now, from the privacy of my own home (or in a public place if I really wanted/had to) deposit multiple checks by simply taking photos of the front and back of the check(s). And the application allows me to do anything the website offers. In addition to depositing checks, I can transfer money, wire money, update my auto/home/vpp insurance, pay bills, contact a representative, and more. The deposits credit instantly to my account (I’ve never had a problem) and I can either save the voided checks or shred them. It’s really that easy!
When I started Let Me Organize It, I wanted a local bank, so I opened a business account through Wells Fargo. The Wells Fargo app also allows me to deposit checks via photos, but they take about a day to update my account totals. There aren’t as many features available via the Wells Fargo app as there are via the website, but I mainly use it for deposits. I can request transfers from one account to another via text message, and the confirmations come instantly. This way I can post my paychecks to my account as soon as I receive them, instead of holding onto them and going into the bank to deposit. This is a huge time-saver for small business owners.
If you haven’t done it already, I highly recommend downloading your bank’s mobile application. You no longer need to make special trips to the bank to stand in line and make a deposit. Banking is now at your fingertips and convenience. I use my banking apps nearly every day, and they are certainly one of the main ways I stay financially organized.
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